
About Us

< class="title"> We simply do what we love
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Web Design & Development
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Environmental Design
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Print Design
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< class="title"> A Jakarta-based Creative Agency

Previously known as Fusion {art} Studio, ‘Takita is a multidisciplinary creative studio that provides solutions through strategic thinking and creative communication. We have been working with various Companies & industries of all sizes from start-ups to global scale. We believe every great design comes from great passion.

‘Takita name is taken from word ‘kita-kita’ meaning ‘us’ in english. Inspired by the communication process itself, takes two sides to achieve the same goals. We listen to your problems, value, vision and goals then turn them into problem solving through strategic thingking & creative communication.

Our focus is creating brands that is outstanding, have impact and most importantly brands that work. We are aiming to stay simple but dynamic. We believe that by understanding our clients, their products, and their unique needs combined with clear and simple ideas, will allow us to create a compelling solutions.

< class="title"> What our clients
say about us.
Let’s talk

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We are a multidisciplinary creative agency that provides solutions through creative communication.
